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Breaking News: Mauricio Pochettino reacts on Chelsea’s transfer desires saying, “Players want to depart.”



Mauricio Pochettino, the manager of Chelsea, has been discussing the club’s potential outcomes and the impending summer transfer window.

Undoubtedly, there is still no assurance that Pochettino will lead the first team squad into the upcoming campaign; a meeting to determine Pochettino’s immediate future is anticipated to take place shortly after the season’s last game.

However, it is quite understandable that the Argentine is considering the summer window and the upcoming campaign since he now presumably has no excuse not to. He has stated that he will keep making plans for the future at Chelsea unless he receives word to the contrary.

This summer, players are anticipated to be signed and sold at Chelsea once more, with several positions likely to be addressed.

Ochettino has stated that he anticipates certain players wanting to depart.

Now is going to start a period where players want to leave, maybe some offers arrive or players that we want to add to the squad,” Pochettino stated, as reported by The Evening Standard. Naturally, we have already begun working on this.

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